“With this equipment, we have the result before finalizing the discharge of the biomass, thus ensuring that we pay exactly what we buy: biomass with quality, not water.”
“With this equipment, we have the result before finalizing the discharge of the biomass, thus ensuring that we pay exactly what we buy: biomass with quality, not water.”
“Marrari Automação participates in the pioneering Fluff pulp fabrication project, developed by Suzano Papel e Celulose - SP, measuring the humidity of the same in line, at the exit of machine with the UMIPAPER system.”
“We reduced our drying times and also our loss rate, which was greatly optimized. At the drying time level, we decrease the time by about 20%.”
“Everything Marrari develops we try to apply in our day-to-day, to have the best production control and, consequently, wood quality. We have been a partner since the beginning of EcoPower, we were one of the pioneers because we had to reduce energy and save 20% to 25% with the system.”
“With the implementation of Marrari's Ecopower software, we were able to reduce drying times and considerably improve wood quality, mainly by reducing the crack rate. Regarding energy and biomass, we had some gains, but we did not measure the values ??due to the fact that we increased production and increased consumption in other sectors.”